Last Updated on November 29, 2017 6:28 pm by Steven

In this day and age of instant worldwide communication and wildly polarized viewpoints – one of our lost arts is how to have a conversation with real people in real life (Not using electronic communications). 

This is something that I’ve tried to instill in my children.  I believe it is one of the most important skills someone can have.

10 Ways to have a Better Conversation

10 ways to have a better conversationThese ideas came from a Tedx Talk by Celeste Headlee with the same title.

  1. Be Present in the Conversation – Don’t Multi-Task
  2. Don’t Pontificate – Assume you have something to learn
  3. Use Open-Ended Questions
  4. Go with the Flow – Don’t say everything you think
  5. If you don’t know – Say that you don’t know
  6. Don’t Equate Your Experience with Theirs – All Experiences are Individual
  7. Try not to Repeat Yourself
  8. Stay out of the Weeds
  9. Listen
  10. Be Brief


In my professional life and in my personal life there are many times that we need to communicate with real live people.  Being able to have a real conversation with people can put you ahead of the rest of the pack.

Everything that you want to do in life can be helped by having great conversation skills.  It will also enable you to talk about the important things in life like Religion and Politics and Family and Love!

I encourage you to pick one of these ten communications skills to work on and start have great communications with people today!

Credit: This Blog came from Tedx Talk found here: