A Blog of Faith, Family, Finances, Fun, and other random thoughts...

Author Steven

Steven Loosle is a father of five great kids with lots of experiences that he likes to share. He has been on a personal finance journey since 2010 and is enjoying the fruits of his finance labors.

He has served in many positions in the LDS Church. His faith is a core of who he is.

Week 48: Sick Weekend again.

Hello guys This past week I didn’t much again, cause I been sick all week. I got to go to the LDS Hospitals to check my sickness. Turns out I don’t have anything that can kill me yay!!! well, except… Continue Reading →

Week 47: Sick Weekend

Hello, Family! How are you all doing so far? How do you like the rain so far? Well, for me I enjoy the rain, well not the part I’m getting my suit wet. Anyway, beside the fact the rain, over… Continue Reading →

Week 46: Good Week

Hello, Family how you all doing? I hope you are doing well. Anyway, this past week been a good so far. This past week been a little busy but overall its been an awesome week. The reason why is awesome… Continue Reading →

Week 45: BUSY WEEK

Hello Guys, This past few weeks has been a busy week so far. I have been busy with my training with US & Canada Training, which me busy which good for me… Also been having a lot more district meeting… Continue Reading →

Elder Pastor picture in Ensign May 2019

Elder Pastor’s picture is in the May 2019 Ensign, during Elder Gary E. Stevenson’s talk “Your Priesthood Playbook” He is on Page 50.     2019-05-0000-ensign-eng

Week 44: The week was great

Hello Family, sorry about last week…. How’s everyone doing so far over the past weeks? Did you all do something fun over the past weeks? Did you get any Easter eggs? Anyway, last was very busy because of transfers and… Continue Reading →

Week 43: No email this week

No email this week.

Letter from Mission President

The following is an email from the Mission President about the Salt Lake City Headquarters Mission.  The letter says that they are discontinuing the mission effective July 1, 2020 – which is a few weeks after Elder Sam Pastor returns… Continue Reading →

Week 42: Hello

Hello Family I don’t have to say so yea sorry… This past week been rainy so my companion & I didn’t do much this past week so yea…. One thing I did was I got go to the top of… Continue Reading →

Week 41: The Busy Week!!!!

Hello hello hello Families! I just wanted to say yes I’m on T.V. and it was wonderful to see and hear that from you all so thank you for watching General Conference that was great for all of you….. Anyway,… Continue Reading →

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