Last Updated on September 26, 2018 7:59 pm by Steven
Early Returned Missionaries
As someone who has two children (one daughter, one son) as Returned Missionaries (RM), one that is currently serving a mission (in the Salt Lake City Headquarters Mission), one preparing to serve a mission, and one in High School that says he is going to serve a mission, an article I read really hit home for me.
One in five missionaries that are leaving are coming home to become Early Returned Missionaries (ERM). This reasons this article gives are:
- 34% because of physical health
- 36% because of mental health
- 30% because of transgressions
One thing this article leaves out is the number of ERM’s that leave the church. I’ve heard it is as high as 80% of ERM’s that stop going to church!

Sister Missionaries
My feeling is that a lot of ERMs deal with feelings of failure. They have been looking forward to serving a two-year mission their whole lives, and they didn’t make it. Why are we as a society stuck on the time spent on a mission? If someone spends 3-month or 6-months or 1-year or 2-years on serving the Lord – why do we as a Church culture care?
We should not care!
Leaders who quietly let ERMs disappear are part of the problem. It is hard to change a culture when the leader is standing in the way.
Everyone has a story to tell!
I think it is time we change the culture of the church and CELEBRATE every ERM! They should be asked to speak in the church when they get home, asked to speak on high council Sundays & held as a standard of overcoming obstacles!
Everyone has a story to tell!
We need to encourage these ERM’s to tell their story!
EDIT: None of the missionaries that are pictured went home early. They are pictures of my kids from their missions.
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