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George Andrew Loosle Notebook 2

Notebook Two- A Journal Written By George Andrew Loosle-1930-1933

Updated on April 15, 2021

GEORGE ANDREW LOOSLE’S writings were written in English with some German words. it was written phonetically.  He wrote the way he talked and sounded out the words.  He would sound the words as they sounded to him, but not necessarily the way English is usually pronounced.  He was two when the family left Bern Switzerland.  The Loosle family lived in Providence from 1863 to 1867.  Church services in Providence were in Swiss German and in English.  His parents spoke in Swiss-German and were learning English.  Their son, George, undoubtedly was taught to speak in Swiss German and in English. George had very little school schooling, except in some winter months.  He bought the school books for his youngest sister, Rosetta, and learned to read by helping her in elementary grades.

George wrote in two journals.  This is the second of the two journals he kept, written from 1930 to 1933. Transcribed from phonetic writing to English. (Kept same format, corrected spelling and some sentence structure, but tried to keep document as close to original as possible.

Transcribed by Darrell K. Loosle, Grandson of George Andrew Loosle and Anna Dahle Loosle.


March 1, 1931- We took the radio to Logan to Edward Staples to have him rig it.  The cost was $16.50.  The radio seems to run just fine.

August 21, 1931- George Sr. drove the cows to the lowest pasture where there was some grass.

July 15, 1931- George Sr. drew 22 buckets of water.  I took a pick and shovel and set 3 posts. I mended some fence and cut thistles.  The wind was quite strong.

August 11, 1931- George Sr. lost his teeth out on the home ranch.  I knew I lost them when I went to draw water for the cows.  I then walked up to the ranch after doing the chores.  I filled my pockets full of berries.  I was not tired.

March 18, 1831- This morning I dropped the top half of the window down on my finger. I squeezed one finger on the left hand very badly.  I also pinched one finger on my right hand.  I was surprised how quickly the finger looked better.  I had to lift up the window with my right hand before I could release my left hand.  That was an accident that happened to me.

Jul 14, 1931- George Sr. helped to clean the wall.  In the afternoon I did some harrowing.  The wind blew quite hard all day and night and into the next day.

February, 1932- In the morning there was 6 to 8 inches of damp snow on the ground.

In 1931 Norman D, lost his fountain pen while going to college. He said the pen was worth $8.00.

George D. and Gladys got married in the Logan Temple on November 18, 1931.  They went on a short trip to Salt Lake.

On January 27, 1932 George S. went to see Sarah K. Buttars on her birthday.  She is 91 years and 7 months old.

I slept in the kitchen from November 4, 1931 to December 10, 1932.

Father and mother and I moved out to the home ranch in 1870 or 1871.  I don’t know the date for sure.  Saran Loosle Thompson was the first one that was born at the Closest Ranch.

I saw Brigham Young and spoke to him.  I was told to speak to him but I did not shake hands with him.  The people built a gateway down to Newel Dahles place.  I think Hans Jensen and Hans Dahle were there. I don’t know how many were there, but I think there were about half a dozen.

I was 19 years, 1 month and 17 days old when Brigham Young died.

June 26-27, 1831- In the forenoon George Sr. drove the horses on the cart, and l loaded a load of hay wheat.  George D. and John liked the hay.  It was very windy at the time.

July 30- There was a heavy shower all over the valley.  A flood caused damage to grain and other crops and also the roads.

Oct. 3, 1931.  George S. received a kick across my body while sitting in the shade.  I did not sleep too good that night.  I was coughing and had cramps.

Oct. 17- We started a new cut on the haystack.  I fed the cows from the 14th to the 17th of October.

In February I went to the temple.  It took most of the day and was very crowded.

On May 6 the sorrel horse and Doll got a head start on George D. and ran away.

August 1- I went to the home ranch and stumbled and hurt my left side and left arm.

Sept. 1- George Sr. and George D. slept at the home ranch by the wheat sacks. The engine of the thrasher was also there.  We got through thrashing on the 2nd of September at noon.

Sep. 2- George Sr. led the derrick horse.  I also drove the cows to the pasture and got the cows to the home ranch.

Sep 2- A cow stepped very hard on my foot.  My legs ached at night after I brought the cows home. I was a little lame the next day.

November 11, 1931- George Sr. fell over a wagon tongue.  I was carrying two kettles.  One of the kettles had milk in it.  I fell hard and hurt my jaw.

Dec 2- I stumbled while holding a pitch fork in my right hand after dark.   I fell on my left side hurting my left side and knee.  My side hurt to walk and when I coughed. I still hurt after the 3rd day.  I cleaned the stable and I was done for. I rubbed alcohol on my side two times and then I felt much better.  I laid a cloth on my left side. I helped do chores and milk cows and then packed in coal, kindling and water.  I felt much better at 8 p.m. but I could feel pain in my side.

Dec 15 and 16th– I caught a cold.  My feet and hands had been cold.

Dec. 25- I pulled out my cane teeth.  They were quite loose on the 23rd and 24th.

Sep 20- I saw Elen Rerrent in a dream.


There were floods during the month of September.  It rained across the whole valley.

October 20- Today was stormy looking.  George D finished plowing the land out to the Newton Ranch using six head of horses.

Nov. 11- There was some snow and it was quite cold at night.  It snowed a little on Dec. 3

Dec 21-22- The weather cleared up.

Dec. 25- It rained a little.

Feb. 4- There was sunshine all day and it was breezy.

Feb. 15- Cloudy and cool


Mar. 12- It snowed all day. It snowed hard in the afternoon and was cold at night.  There was 3 inches of ice on the water trough.

Mar. 28- It was windy and rained.  There was a cold northwest wind.

Apr 19- It was cold and there was a hard wind.

April 20- Snow storm at 8 a.m.

Apr 21- Snow storm and hard wind


The first part of Sept. someone borrowed or stole a real good pair of single trees and double trees.  They were painted red and green

Sep. 10- A good hammer and a pair of pinchers went missing.

Oct. 12- A pinch bar went missing.  I found it in the manger.  I don’t remember using it.

Dec. 12- Geo. D. lost his Elgin watch.  He found it on the 5th of February

Dec 19- The hay bales felt like rubber.

Mar 13- Pitch fork



Oct 3rd or 7th– Heam and halter

Oct 14th Scoop shovel and claw hammer

Storms in 1932-

Apr. 23- Snow storm at 3 p.m.

Apr. 24- Foggy at 8 a.m.  I herded the cows at the ranch home.

Apr 26- Cold southeast wind in the forenoon, a little rain in the afternoon, a very hard southwest wind at 3 p.m. and rain at 5 p.m.   It was a wet snow with a hard wind.  I saw three young people and a few men get wet.  I worked in the stable when it was blowing and raining and half the time it was snowing.  I was in the snow storm from the stable to the Clark’s place.  George and Gladys was in the snow storm from Clarks to our stable.  They got wet and so did I.  Halfway along the road I got overdone and had to go slow.  George and Gladys got a hold of my arm and helped me along.


Mar 1- I saw someone in the water running south along the fence and road.

January 19th– I saw people killing one another.  I was sitting on a chair.  I said, they are killing them and I could not tell who it was. George D came in and spoke and said “Are they are massacring them this morning?”  I said yes and he thought very hard about the saying I made.  I was surprised at myself for saying that.

July 6- I got pushed off a pile of hay that was about as high as a load of hay.  It jarred me.

June 6- I was forced to eat a strawberry.  John held my nose.

19 Aug.-I dreamed something about a Rasmussen.  It was almost morning.

Aug. 21- Mother said they took all the property away.  She and I did not get any property turned over to us.

Aug. 27- I saw Charles Shumway and he seemed anxious to shake hands with me.

Sep. 13 1932- I dreamed about Neta Rasmussen


Jan 5- There was a very hard wind and drifting snow.

Jan. 11- A cold wind blew in the forenoon and afternoon.

Jan. 12- It snowed in the afternoon.  It snowed from 6 to 8 inches.  I thought we were snowed in.

Jan. 15-16- It blew very hard on the night of the 15th and morning of the 16th.  I thought we were snowed in.

Jan. 18- Congress swings the economy ax.

Jan. 24-28- It was very cold.  On the 29th it was warmer and the sun shined.

Jan. 30- We got one and a half feet of snow.  We could barely move around.

Jan. 31 and Feb.2- 6 inches of snow fell. Feb. 2- we got more than 6 inches of snow

Feb. 2-6- 6 inches of snow fell. The snow drifted at night.

Feb. 7- It was warm and there was sunshine.

Feb. 11- It was cold with a southwest wind and the snow was drifting.

Mar. 24- There was a rain storm in the forenoon, about 6 p.m.  There was thundering and lightning.  At 7:30 p.m. it started to snow again.

April 16- There was a very hard wind and rain from the southwest.  At 2 p.m. there was a rain and snow storm.

June 7- It rained all of the forenoon and afternoon and then stopped raining.

July 15- A terrible wind and a hail storm did lots of damage to gardens.  It broke the tops off some trees.  I was afraid the wind would damage homes.

YEAR 1931

Henry Godfrey owed me $27.00 for the 1931 water bill, 2 more acres of watering and also for breeding cows.

YEAR 1932

In June we paid the cowgirl $1.00 to taking the cows to the pasture.  We also paid her $1.00 on the 20th of June and $1.00 the 20th of July for taking the cows to the pasture.

We kept our cows home and kept the young stock in the pasture.

Aug. 1-15- Three bull calves were born.

Dec. 3-4.  I had a pain on my left side.  I thought it was because I cleaned the stable.  I had quite a pain on my right on the 5th of December.

Dec. 6- George D. and George Sr. went to the Newton Ranch to get a load of hay.  We drew water and fed the 4 head of horses.  It was a very cold day with a south wind.

Dec. 8- There was a cold west wind and it snowed some during the day.


Jan. 4- I got hurt by a horse crowding me against a fence.  I broke one rib.

Feb 10- I almost got knocked down by 2 of our horses, Star and Snow

March 11- I went to the barber shop to get my hair trimmed and to get a shave.

March 12- I had a pain in my hips and did not feel better until the end of the third day.

Aug 1- I slipped off the straw stack trying to get a slip off.  I fell on the hay rack.

Oct. 25- The wind blew something in my right eye or a fly got in my eye.

Nov. 12- I got my ankle hurt a little by a cow.

Dec. 12- When I raised up I got dizzy for a few seconds.  I soon felt all right.

Feb. 16- I had a pain in my hip.

Feb. 17- I felt so bad because Old May lost her colt and Deloy got killed down in the pasture by dogs chasing her around.  I think she tore the fence down in two places.  On the fourth day I felt worse.  I hope those people with the dogs will get punished.

YEAR 1933

I was sick on the 11-13 of July, but I am feeling some better.

July 29- I got kicked on my right leg.  I woke up in the night.  I still have good health.

Nov.  16- I slept on the cot in the kitchen.  I woke up at 11:30 at night holding my watch.  What is the matter? I heard a voice like Anna calling to me.  I dropped the lamp cover or shell on the floor


Feb. 4- I fell down on my hips. It might have hurt me because it made me sick.

We kept our cows home the first of October 1932.  The young stock stayed in the pasture.

Oct 15 and Dec. 2-4 we sold 3 bull calves.  I had a pain on my left side.  I thought it was because I cleaned the stable.  Dec. 5-6 I had pain on my right side.  On the sixth of Dec. George D and I went to the Newton Ranch after a load of hay.  We drew water and fed the 5 head of horses.  It was a very cold day with a south wind.

Dec. 8 – It was a very cold with a south wind.

Jan 3-We killed the Holstein heifer for beef

Jan 9- There was 14 bushels taken from the old granary for the pigs. On January 11 we killed the big red pig.  Lars Christensen and George D. cleaned the pig.   I helped a little. There was a cold wind blowing.  They did not have half enough water so they not scold the pig.  George D. laid sacks on the pig and poured hot water on it.  George D. and Lars and I scraped for quite a while.  George D went to Newton Ranch at 3 p.m. and was gone three and one half hours after killing the pig.

Jan. 19th we hauled 12 bushels of wheat.


July 21- The large horn holstein heifer ran away.

July 27- Norman’s cow ran away

Aug. 7- The black holstein had a spotted bull calf.

Sep. 5- The black holstein cow ran a distance away.

Dec. 3- The old black cow cut her bag on the wire fence.  She ran through the fence.  We tied the wound with a string.  She bled quite badly.  On May 27 we sold the cow to Tom Rich for $40.00.

Aug. 1-5- I was In Salt Lake.

Aug. 14- I was In Salt Lake.

Dec. 13, 1932-There was lightning and thunder during the night.

July 8, 1934. The Marriott’s, Shell’s father, and his brother, myself, and 7 cars of people took a drive.  We went through Logan Canyon to the end of Bear Lake, to the Electric Light Plant, then to Paris, Idaho, We then through to Preston, Idaho. George D., Gladys and the kids rode in our car all the time we travelled.  Thomas Marriott’s and Wendell Marriott, Ken Barker and myself road in Wendell’s car all the way from Trenton, through Logan Canyon and through to Fish Have, and through Cherry Canyon to Preston, Idaho.

History- June 20- 1932 George D. John and Norman started to mow hay.  I was the fastest mower.

July 27- George D. mowed out to the Newton Ranch.

I had three horses, Cap, Doll and Chef shod on July 25-27.

July 3- I killed a Donek hen.  I wish I hadn’t killed her.  She was a white setting hen.  I hear that Donek hens would lay eggs for a long time.

July 21- 1932- We hauled 3 loads of hay from the home ranch. George D. used the drop fork and John was on the stack.  I drove the cart.  Norman was at the Newton Ranch getting another load.  We also had some barley straw that we loaded.


July 17- Ellen Bra combed my hair and braided it a little, and washed my face and came back at 6 p.m. and took the braids out of my hair.  She had been to my house once before.

Oct. 26, 1932.  I had quite a spat with Gladys.  It was a misunderstanding.  I did not like the way she talked to me.

November 12- John left to go to Richfield, Utah to work.


Aug. 23, 1932- I dreamed that mother called me 2 times before I walked up to her.  There was a bunch of chickens there.  She told me it had been 20 years since father had spoken to me.

Aug. 25- I saw Richard Godfrey.  I had a basket of meat.  He took the basket and picked out two pieces of meat, laid them on the ground beside me and said to give those 2 pieces to the dogs.  I wrote down what Richard said.

Oct. 13- I dreamed that I was wading in deep dirty water.  John was walking after me or with me.  I was afraid that I would sink out of sight.  I thought that I came out better than I expected.

Jan. 9- I visited Hans and Caroline Dahle and Lewis Dahle.

I dreamed the night of the 29 or 30 that a woman sat by me and said that she is willing to get in the wheat bin and shovel wheat.


June 22, 1932 Cap reared up on his hind leg and fell over on his back, but Norman and I did not get hurt.  I had an accident the 4th of Jan. by being crowded against the wall very hard by a horse.

July 20 I hurt my leg by falling in the water through.

Dec. 31. 1933- I hurt my arm late in the afternoon.

Aug. 13- I hurt my thumb and could not milk very well.

Aug. 15- I hurt my hand.

Sep. 9- I had a bad pain in my leg in the morning.


Jan. 19th– It blew and snowed all day and night.

Jan. 16- We got about a half foot of light snow.

From 4 to the 13th of January I visited Hans Dahle, Anna Buttars and Lizzie Thompson

Aug 24, 1933- We had a falling out with Bill Beren. Norman went to see him to settle with him.  They disputed one with another.  They sent a pair of shoes that maw gave to them, and a rug that was used all winter. I did not think Norman was brave enough to go to Bill’s place to try to settle up with him.

Mar. 3, 1933- Maw hung the clothes after washing them.


I had a bad coughing spell. I got sick by getting my hair cut.

Dec. 14- I saw father and said to him; I am going to the canyon and cut 2033 green trees.  He said that he could use the trees.


Dec 17- I dreamed that one man had a bottle of liquor.  He took a drink and handed it to me.  I took a small sip and handed it to another man and he took a sip or swallow.

1933- I dreamed that I saw father.  He came up close to me and said he was going out to the ranch. He said “Will you come with me or do you want me to go alone.”  I said that I would go with him.  I got out of bed very early on the morning of the 18th.

March 13- I dreamed about some lady.  It might mean that John or Norman might meet someone else.

Jan 1. 1934- I dreamed about the Archibald girl, and Lucille Dahle, in the morning.


I worked on the railroad about 2 miles South of Hampton Bridge.  I worked with other Clarkston men.  I helped father move out there with one cow that gave milk, one yoke of cattle, and one span of pony. I was sent home with the team.  We worked about 2 or 4 weeks.  Father had a job on the railroad in Battle Creek, which is six miles north of Preston, Idaho.  There were 7 stations and a rock culvert to haul rocks to. Father built several culverts for the places.  Father had a yoke of oxen and one span of horses.  There was a hard snow storm one after noon.  We tried to start a fire and cook breakfast.  John Larsen helped us work on the job at Battle Creek.  Father and Uncle John, his brother, worked on the railroad in the sage brush hills. He hauled water from Market Lake in 6 large barrels using one yoke of oxen.  He hauled water for all the horses.  There were 14 head of horses. There was not so much grading to do on that job.   The noles were solid rock.  We soon took the horses of to a large area near the work project and herded them.  John Burt sent me to help tend the horses.  While John Wheeler and I were tending the horses we helped the store keeper at the sand hole on Camas Creek to build a dam and a ditch to turn the water to a lake by the sand hole. It was drying out for the Freighters and the railroad teams to use.

I did not get one cent for working there for one week or more. John Wheeler got all that pay from that job, besides getting some pay from the railroad.   That man with the store had a saloon. He had a wife and family there.  He and another man were killed.  That man who did the shooting was put in jail. John Wheeler and Le Bell arrested him the man that did the shooting. I believe that there were 3 men that arrested him.  Father, Uncle John and I had one week and one day to get to Idaho Falls from Clarkston.  Uncle John and his dog were with us. After we had been at the railroad job about 3 days, Uncle John got very sick one evening at supper time.  He jumped up from the table and ran outdoors after supper.  We packed him into the camp.  He was taking fits and jerking.  Three men were holding him down.  He was talking out of his mind.  The next morning he was so weak he could not walk. He crawled on his hand and knees   He was some better. John Wheeler and John Buttars felt that John Loosle got that way for scuffling with them.  They were too mean with john. I left and went home through Trenton in the last part of June or early July.  He lost all his hair before he got home.  John felt  very bad when he and I got to the railroad job.  When we had gone 2 miles he said he should never go to the camp after that job got finished.  Father and Uncle John went home. It was in the month of July when we went home to put up hay for the winter and do other odd jobs. John Burt was the boss.  Bishop Jardine told them to have father to be boss, but father did not want to be boss because some men wanted Burt to be boss.

One winter there was work in Logan Canyon cutting ties for the railroad in Providence, Utah. In April some men from Clarkston went and cut some ties. I got a notion as to what a fool I was for spending 2-4 weeks or four cutting ties. I could cut large trees down all right. I think it is quite particular work to cut ties.    I did not get more pay for cutting trees so I got ready to go to Logan Canyon.  But Uncle John said that he did not want to go.  He did not feel like going then. While he was living with my sister Anna she told him to come back again.   He said yes, but he did not go back again. He stay 3 days after he got there.  Uncle John was walking with him. He got so tired and hungry he told me to go on and he could come after a while.  I got to the camp and started to make snow shoes.  I did not think about getting a sandwich for him and bringing it to him.  He came after a while with Charles Shumway and James Henderson.  That night I laid my arm across his stomach.   James Archibald crowded in with us.   Three in a bed was too crowded so I made a bed for his him.  I felt that I should not let him sleep alone. Charles Shumway asked him if he would be warm enough to sleep alone.  He said yes.  I should have said to him to sleep with me or let me sleep with you.  I think that was the third night that we were there. Towards morning he sat up and we laid him down on his right side.  James Jardine came running upstairs.  The boss of the camp held his arm and said that he was a dead man.  We then laid him on a hand sleigh and hauled him to the mouth of the canyon.   There were 2 or 3 men that went to the inquest. James Denver, James Archibald and I went with to the place in Logan where the inquest was held. I ask James Archibald what was the matter with his heart.

Aug 1934 History

On Aug 27 I herded the cows. It was a hot day, being 96 degrees at the ranch   On August 28 it looked like a rain shower was coming.  I drove the cows to the Newton Ranch and stayed there.  I drove the cows from the 16th of Aug to Sep 7, 1934.  There was not water at the Newton Ranch for the cows.

History 1934

On the 23rd of September there was a big rain and snowstorm.

Oct 7:  Today there was a northwest wind and rain.

Oct 8- It was foggy down to the Little Mountain by the reservoir.

Oct 14- The black cow had a black heifer calf.

Oct-24 The black cow ran away on the 13 of November.

1933 Year

June 15th-    I Iost my teeth.  They flipped out of my hands and I could not find them   I hunted for them for 2 hours.   That night I dream that I saw them.  I thought someone told me that maw found them for me.

We sold two bull calves at the Logan butcher shop for 6 dollars per calf.


May- Miss Clara Platt of Salt Lake visited George and Gladys.

June 14- We got 9 inches of snow.

July- We sold 3 cows to the government and 1 to a stock byer:  Maw and Gladys had a set to on the 22 of October.

1934- The new house wired.

Oct 19- The plumbing for the new house was done.

21 Oct- Pipes were laid for the new house

Oct. 14 There was a shower and a northwest wind today.

Oct 22 There was a big rain storm.  Tonight there was a full moon.

Sep 24 I hurt myself by slipping down on the gate of the pig pen.


Henry Godfrey owed me $8.50 in 1929 for watering 5 acres.




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