How will you #LightTheWorld?

How will you #LightTheWorld today?
Jesus Taught: “…Wherefore it is lawful to do well on the sabbath days.” – Matthew 12:12
I grew up in a hardware store. Actually, my father owned the store and I worked in the store a lot during my pre-teen and teenage years. During the 80’s most stores were still closed on Sundays. This was the one day of the week that dad was home. I remember multiple times during my teen years that dad would meet someone down at the store because they needed something because someone’s “ox was in the mire”. If my memory serves me correct, a lot of them had to do with plumbing… toilet parts… water heater…
Sundays are precious. The Lord set them aside as a day of rest from the labors of the world. But that does not mean we sit at home and sleep or play on social media all day. It is a time when we are asked to reach out and help others with whatever their needs are.
How will you #LightTheWorld?
Donate the skills you use at work to bless someone’s life on your day off.
Get your family together this Sunday by hosting an event such as dinner or an online video chat. Include someone that may sometimes be forgotten.
Identify something from a church sermon that you can do to help someone in need today.
Credit: #LightTheWorld is a campaign. This is a campaign I support.
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