How will you #LightTheWorld?

How will you #LightTheWorld?

How will you #LightTheWorld?


Jesus said: “…Suffer the little children to com unto me…

– Mark 10:14





A little over six months ago my first grandchild was born.  Our youngest is 15 years old so it has been a while since we had babies around the house.   There are few things that will make people smile quicker than a child.  I love being a grandpa.  I can’t wait to have more grandchildren.

I use to think that kids took tons of time to properly raise right.  I’ve learned through my experience that just small amounts of time every day is generally sufficient.

How will you #LightTheWorld?


Visit for more ways to #LightTheWorld in your community (U.S. and Canada only).

Credit: #LightTheWorld is a campaign.  This is a campaign I support.