How will you #LightTheWorld?

How will you #LightTheWorld?

How will you #LightTheWorld?


Jesus taught: “[I was] naked, and ye clothed me.” –St Matthew 25:36





Many years ago, Miriah (our daughter) was in her early teen years.  One day she came to us and declared “I have 68 shirts in my closet!”*

At this point in our lives, we had been very blessed with having great neighbors that had a couple of daughters that wore clothes just a bit bigger than Miriah needed.  So every time they grew out of clothes, Miriah would get a bunch of very gently used clothes.

I was shocked that she had over two months worth of tops.  So we instituted a policy of one in – one out for the whole family.  Every time that anyone got anything new, something else had to go.

We have received many blessings associated with this policy – but the biggest one is helping others that are in need.

*  The actual number is not 68.  I can’t remember what the actual number was aside from it being greater than two months of shirts if a different one was worn each day.

How will you #LightTheWorld?


Visit for more ways to #LightTheWorld in your community (U.S. and Canada only).

Credit: #LightTheWorld is a campaign.  This is a campaign I support.