How will you #LightTheWorld?

#LightTheWorld Lights
Jesus taught: “Rejoice, and be exceeding glad.” – St Matthew 5:12
Denis Prager stated that we have a moral obligation to be happy.
There have been many studies (here, here, here, here, here) that state that happiness is contagious. I am drawn to happy people. I like to be around them. When I am happy I notice that people want to be around me.
Happiness is also something that you can “fake it until you make it.” Find some happy people and they will spread their happiness to you.
How will you #LightTheWorld?
God loves us and wants us to be happy. We have many reasons to be happy, even if we don’t realize all of them. One way we find joy is by helping others feel joy.
Send them a personalized care package in the mail.
Reach out to someone who has blessed your life, and thank the person for his or her example.
Find somebody who doesn’t receive thanks very often, and make the person’s day amazing.
Visit for more ways to #LightTheWorld in your community (U.S. and Canada only).
Credit: #LightTheWorld is a campaign. This is a campaign I support.
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