How will you #LightTheWorld?

How will you #LightTheWorld?

How will you #LightTheWorld?


Jesus taught: “That which ye have seen me do even that shall ye do.” – 3 Nephi 27:21





I’m always amazed at the many different ways that we are people can show Christ-like love for each other.  Some are very traditional like when we help at a soup kitchen or talk to the elderly in our neighborhood.

I love hearing about non-traditional ways that people show Christ-like love for each other.  Giving kids a free skateboard for producing a report card with no F’s is an awesome example.

There are people around us now that the Lord has placed near us that need our Christ-like love.  In this Christmas season now is the time to reach out and do something different for someone that will show our Savior’s love for them.

How will you #LightTheWorld?

No one else has provided a better pattern for living than Jesus Christ. As we seek to emulate Him, we can improve our own lives and the lives of people around us.


Visit for more ways to #LightTheWorld in your community (U.S. and Canada only).



Credit: #LightTheWorld is a campaign.  This is a campaign I support.