How will you #LightTheWorld?

How will you #LightTheWorld today?
Jesus taught: “Ye must watch and pray always.” – 3 Nephi 18:15” –
On this Sabbath day we are reminded that we must watch and pray always.
Things that are precious to us we watch over. Children that are entrusted to us we watch and care for because they are precious to us. This same principal told to for our relationship with God.
Our relationship with God is the most precious thing that we have. When we spent time strengthening our relationship with God we are investing in ourselves to make our lives better and we become happier and more content.
How will you #LightTheWorld?
Prayer is the simple communication between God the Father and His beloved children. God has promised to answer the prayers of those who humbly ask.
Recognize God’s blessings by saying a prayer to give Him thanks.
Ask God to help you be an answer to someone else’s prayer.
Say a prayer in which you never mention your own needs but instead pray solely for them.
Visit for more ways to #LightTheWorld in your community (U.S. and Canada only).
Credit: #LightTheWorld is a campaign. This is a campaign I support.
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