Saving for a Rainy Day: Tips for Building an Emergency Fund When it comes to personal finance, one of the most important things you can do is to save for a rainy day. An emergency fund is a savings account… Continue Reading →
I was asked to give a talk in Church on Christmas 2022. This is my talk: The Hope of Christ A few weeks ago, I was reading in the Old Testament in Haggai during our Come Follow Me scripture study…. Continue Reading →
It is Not About You These are my thoughts about being selfish during difficult and troubling times. We should be allowed to act this way, but because we are so focused on ourselves we lose sight of the bigger picture. … Continue Reading →
I got my first Tattoo, it was not as fun as it should have been Was my first tattoo a butterfly on my hip? A tramp stamp on my back? A picture of “MOM” on my arm? Lorell’s and my… Continue Reading →
It is that wonderful time of year. Every store has Christmas decorations up. Advertisements are telling you that your spouse will be happy that you purchased a $50,000 car without talking to them first. 🙂 HINT: don’t do this –… Continue Reading →
I ran across this TEDx talk by Jocko Willink. He never mentions finances, but the principals that he teaches have everything to do with Personal Finance.
When you are married you combine all aspects of your lives together. One of the most important aspects of being married to doing a budget (also knows as a family financial plan). Money is one of those things that we don’t like to talk about because it makes us uncomfortable.
Picture in your mind having a five-dollar bill. Now, what could you do with that $5 bill? In and by itself, there isn’t a whole lot that $5 will get you. A cup of coffee at Starbucks? Maybe some fast food for lunch? Buy some gas to get you to work?
A few years ago, Lorell and I were looking at purchasing a new kitchen table. Our previous one had served us well for almost 20 years and 5 kids; however, it was showing its age and needed to be replaced. How big of a table should we purchase?
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