A Blog of Faith, Family, Finances, Fun, and other random thoughts...

Tag The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Week 14 – I Blew Up an Atheist’s Computer Mostly on Accident.

I blew up an atheist’s computer mostly on accident. This week has been so amazing we have been working with one of our investigators who is going on date for baptism soon. Besides that I was on Facebook looking for… Continue Reading →

Week 7 – VLOG

Week 6 – Prank #4

This is part 4 of missionary Pranks.  Part 1 Part 2 Part 3

Week 6 – Prank #3

This continues on the pranks.  See the previous Prank #1, Prank #2 See the final prank video here.

Week 6 – Prank #2

This is the 2nd part of the Pranks.  Here is Part #1 See part #3 here.

Week 6 – Prank #1

See the next part of the prank.

Week 6 – VLOG

Elder Loosle has decided to do VLOG instead of writing…  

All Arrived and are doing well!

From Mission Office: Photos of your missionaries’ arrival and welcome to the Texas San Antonio Mission!  Some in front of San Antonio Temple others in front of Alamo—All happy and ready to work!  All are now with their trainer and… Continue Reading →

I am too petty for my own good but that’s okay Jesus will pick up the slack

This week was so much fun! It started off in a weird way. I was told that my first class would start at 10:00 AM so I was ready at 10 then I got an email saying it did not… Continue Reading →

Brandon Loosle Farewell Address

This is a recording of my farewell address on September 20, 2020 in the Green Valley 5th ward.  This was the first session.

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