A Blog of Faith, Family, Finances, Fun, and other random thoughts...

Tag The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints

Elder Pastor Testimony for Christmas Party


Week 71: Some Videos and Pictures

Some Videos and Pictures  

Week 76: Cold Week!

Hello Family! Hope you all had a great weekend! Anyway, this past week I went to the SLC temple and it was awesome to go back in the temple!!! It feels great to feel the spirit rebooting!!!!! Another great thing… Continue Reading →

The Christ Child

As the Christmas season is upon us, I invite everyone to watch this short 18-minute show “The Christ Child: A Nativity Story” produced by the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Description from youtube: This new depiction of the… Continue Reading →

Week 70: Great Week!

Hello family Sorry for not sending emails for the past months or so…. again sorry!!! Anyway, hope you all had a awesome weekend… Just letting you all know again, I have a new companion Elder Weed.. yay!!! Funny and awesome… Continue Reading →

Week 56: Week is very busy

Hello Family – This past week has been very busy…. I don’t know why is so busy but yea!!!! The New Zone that I’m in is keeping me more busy then my last zone and I like it….   The New… Continue Reading →

Week 55: Great week

Hello family This past week was awesome cause I got to hang with my two new companions.  ( by the way I don’t have much to say but yea sorry) they love to sing…. This past week I got to… Continue Reading →

Week 54: Manti pagent / Today is the Transfer

Dear Family Hahahah Did you like my hi!!? Well I know I did… Anyway, this past week has been a great and busy week. I got the opportunity to go to the Manti Pagent & the Temple. It was really… Continue Reading →

Week 53: This is really short email sorry!!!

Hello family! I’m so glad to hear from you all and that you all are doing well so far. I’m also glad that everyone is having a blast on Father’s Day! Well, anyway again sorry for this really short email…… Continue Reading →

Week 52: Busy week!!!

Hello family!!!! Once again yay!!!! First of all, next P-Day is going to be my year mark!!! yayay!!!! Anyway, is good to hear that you all doing well and hearing alot of what you all have been doing for the… Continue Reading →

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