A Blog of Faith, Family, Finances, Fun, and other random thoughts...

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A series of blog posts that are related to videos that are posted on this blog.

#LightTheWorld Day 08

Love your enemies is one of those things that is very easy to say, but incredibly hard for me to do.   In today’s social media connected world, there are many people out there that we may feel are just out to hate us, hate our positions, and hate everything that we hold to be dear. For me, it is easier to see the sliver in others eyes than the moat in my eye.  As we reach out to others and seek out the good in people that we might perceive to be our enemies – we will enrich our own lives and we will become happier!

#LightTheWorld Day 07

A little over six months ago my first grandchild was born.  Our youngest is 15 years old so it has been a while since we had babies around the house.   There are few things that will make people smile quicker than a child.  I love being a grandpa.  I can’t wait to have more grandchildren.  I use to think that kids took tons of time to properly raise right.  I’ve learned through my experience that just small amounts of time every day is generally sufficient.  

#LightTheWorld Day 06

How will you #LightTheWorld?   Jesus said: “Judge not, that ye be not judged.St Matthew 7:1” –           The other day I was discussing this scripture with some friends.  Too often in today’s world, we make… Continue Reading →

#LightTheWorld Day 05

I have been blessed with two great parents that are in good health.  They taught me to work hard and play hard.  

A couple of years ago I had the opportunity to move closer to my parents.  I had lived across the country or across the world for the previous eleven years.  It is a great blessing to be able to live close to my parents and help them out in both small and great ways.

#LightTheWorld Day 04

How will you #LightTheWorld? Jesus said: “…Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.” – Matthew 22:39           On an almost weekly basis, I get to get on an airplane and travel across the United States and Canada… Continue Reading →

#LightTheWorld Day 03

I grew up in a hardware store.  Actually, my father owned the store and I worked in the store a lot during my pre-teen and teenage years.  I remember multiple times during my teen years that dad would meet someone down at the store because they needed something because someone’s “ox was in the mire”.

#LightTheWorld Day 02

A few years ago I had the opportunity to be involved in a few clean water projects while I was living on Guam.  I remember one where we helped supply some water barrels, piping, and rain gutter to collect rainwater from the roof of one of the schools on Chuuk.

#LightTheWorld Day 01

Matthew 10:8 Reads: “Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give.”  We can do this through #LightTheWorld How can I #LightTheWorld? I know that I have received much of our… Continue Reading →

10 Ways to have a Better Conversation

In this day and age of instant worldwide communication and wildly polarized viewpoints – one of our lost arts is how to have a conversation with real people in real life (Not using electronic communications).  In my professional life and in my personal life there are many times that we need to communicate with real live people.  Being able to have a real conversation with people can put you ahead of the rest of the pack.


As Thanksgiving weekend comes to a close, and Christmas season is upon us, it is a time for us to move from being thankful and grateful to following our Saviour and reaching out to help others.  #LightTheWorld.

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