Last Updated on October 9, 2018 4:32 pm by Steven

This past week I had a great time with my district.

In my district, we went out to eat at Costa Vida. It was great to eat as a district. My district is planning dinners and breakfasts so we know what to buy when we go out shopping for food. Less money to spend yay!!!!

Anyway, I also got to play sports with the elders and got to a movie and went on a hike to the Capital of Utah… again, but still, it’s still fun to go on a hike. For the movie I watch ” Work and the Glory 2″, it was uplifting. I think it’s the title of the movie….

I also went to the “Music of the Spoken Word” at the conference center and was a very spiritual that made you want to go there again. Furthermore, I had a good feeling that next week will be a good week…

I hope you have wonderful moments as you go to school, work, or anywhere.

So far so good and happy new year… La la la la lal a

So to just tell till I like to eat pie. Half so good luck to all!!!!

Hope you guys stay alive. Love me so thank you.

Elder Paster