Last Updated on October 9, 2018 4:32 pm by Steven

This week was awesome! Because I was able to understand more about the saints, and what they had to go through. It was not a good way to start their journey as Saints but they still kept going strong with faith.

I understood a little bit of the pain they had because of the book I got. The book I got was called ” The Standard Of Truth”. It’s a great book to read!

I recommend reading this book.

Anyway, I also got to explore the Church History Museum. I got to go to Music And The Spoken Words. I also got play sports and go to the Book Of Mormon Class where our Pres. Fenn. taught.
I also went for a hike on labor day…

Elder Pastor

Elder Pastor

I got to listen to and watch a video about the face to face with Elder Cook and the others. It was awesome to get to hear their testimony about what they believe was right to them and how they would find ways to help face the challenges in our future.

I’m glad I’m on this mission cause I can feel closer to heavenly father and be able to understand myself and others.

Well, guys hope you all have an awesome year!!!!

Enjoy these pictures

Elder Pastor