Last Updated on January 18, 2021 10:01 am by Steven
I blew up an atheist’s computer mostly on accident.
This week has been so amazing we have been working with one of our investigators who is going on date for baptism soon.
Besides that I was on Facebook looking for opportunities for service and a nonmember posted about how they need help fixing a computer. So I responded and said I could look at it. So they had me over the next day, but before that one of my other missionaries in the district contacted him on Facebook just trying to talk to people about the church.
So we were on an exchange with this missionary and I was in his area. The person we are doing service for is in his area. So we got there and he welcomes us in to help. I get started working and we hook everything up and the GPU started smoking! So we unplugged everything and he was about to have us leave but then Elder Thacher said a prayer quietly and the man and I just started working. We figured out that the GPU was just dead but everything else was perfect. He thanked us then we talked about his and our beliefs and his friends who are LDS and he told us that one of his friends that he plays tabletop games with is in the stake presidency nearby. We talked for like an hour.
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