Last Updated on October 31, 2018 9:41 pm by Steven
Hey family
This past week has been a good week. Don’t know why but it’s been a good week for sure!!!!
This pasted Saturday my companion and I carved out pumpkins and was the bomb and spiritual too….
I also went to the old retirement place where the seniors(Older People/Old people) and help out with their family search and be able to share stories with them. It was awesome to hear their stories from the seniors that I talked to.
I also got to help out with the service project, that went great…
This week also been great cause I was to understand a little more about the Book Of Mormon in the Book Of Mormon Class. It was awesome to hear the mission president to teach more about the book.
In the conclusion, everything went well this week and I was able to learn more about the Book Of Mormon.
Well fan-mily today is transfer and don’t know I will send an email out but I will find out sooner or later!!!
Well guys that’s pretty much it!!!!! Happy Halloween to you all!!!
Elder Pastor

Again this is my pumpkin and yes I did carved this pumpkin and it’s the best of the best…. beat that!!!! By the way can’t use fire so we use light…. Yay
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