Elder Taylor and I bought a chess that said the Nephites Vs Lamanites... cool chess pieces...
Last Updated on December 22, 2018 1:37 pm by Steven
Hello guys!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
First, CONGRATULATION to Brandon & Jason & Dorothy…..
Brandon thank you for the Mentor pin, just don’t know how I earn it but still thank you!!!!!
Brandon, I also wanted you to know, that getting the Eagle was a big step to your life so use it well… ALSO COGRATS to you brother for getting the Eagle…. Also thank you again for the Mentor Pin!!!!
Jason and Dorothy, Congratulations for being a married people and also for being a great team for each other….
Congratulation on the wedding and the singing part. (I didn’t hear but I been told) Anyway, have fun…
And for everybody else, Congratulation for being an AWESOME family/person…. And thank you all for being an awesome friend to me and a family.. thank you!!!
Anyway, this past week has been cold and a lot of food too…. I got to get say goodbye to the elders that are leaving home tonight that was sad and good… I also got to eat pres.fenn 6 different types of chilly… now that was yyyyyyyyyyuuuuuming….
I also got to throw snowballs at the other elders, that was great too…
Well, I don’t have much for this week, but hey at least it was nothing!!!
Well here are some pictures for you all…
One more thing, I went to the Morning Devotional, that went really great cause of the music and the choir… also the guest star too….
Now to the Pic….
Oh, by the way, thank you for the Christmas Gifts!!!!!
Okay now to the pic…… for real this time!!!!
Well, that’s all… hope you all have a Merry Christmas this year….
See in the video…..(SKYPE)!!!!!
Until next time……
Elder Pastor!!
The best part was the bread…. don’t know why! but it was good…
Snow falling again… some elders almost slip.. but didn’t which it a good thing…
Another pic… of the choir.. yay!!!
Morning Devotional… choir getting ready…
Don’t worry I try to smile… my companion took the pic.. a little to soon but still love the face tho… by the way my companion is Elder Vandenhazel and Elder Taylor….Great companion!
The big gift…. I want one… so if you can send me a really big one😉? If you can😉!!!
These two elders are Elder Lane and Elder Lukey… These two also awesome!!!!
This is Elder NoWalk…Really awesome elder to hangout and to talk to….
Snow is falling pretty hard…. still great…
I was curious… so I took a pic. of me and my companion…. the food was awesome!!!
I found this quotes in the bank… and I like what it said… Love it!!!!
Snow! Snow! Snow! again!!! yay!!!
End of the Morning Devotional…. getting to know some people… yay!! by the way a guest gave me a tie… that was cool.. the only reason he give me the tie( I will send a pic of the tie next time) is because I told him that I like his tie and I then I told him can I have it as a joke… but he told me he had lot’s of ties back home so he wanted to get rid of some… Yay!! I thank him!!!
Here is where all the elders…eating, eating, and eating….. also talking….. cool huh!!!
Proof that I got your gifts… thank you so much for the gifts…. Like the Christmas tree!!!!
Just looking around!!!
This part you can’t see..The Elders are watching a movie called “The Mormon Yankees” It was awesome!!! Also a good lesson too..
This Different type of chillys that pres.frenn cooked… It was really good… don’t ask me what type chills was made cause I forgot…..
Elder Taylor and I bought a chess that said the Nephites Vs Lamanites… cool chess pieces…
And one last thing here is a video… my companion did the video so yea enjoy!!!
Steven Loosle is a father of five great kids with lots of experiences that he likes to share. He has been on a personal finance journey since 2010 and is enjoying the fruits of his finance labors.
He has served in many positions in the LDS Church. His faith is a core of who he is.
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