Last Updated on January 23, 2019 5:22 pm by Steven

Hello Guys

First of all sorry for not sending an email to you all last week….

Anyway, now emailing to you all yay!!!!

How’s everything going? Is everything ok?

My week been busy and stressful but hey still going strong…. I’m learning to know more about the Book of Mormon in the Book of Mormon class. It’s great to hear the mission president talk about the Book of Mormon and how he talks about what we should ponder of what we read in the chapters…. I also got good food from the seniors, that was awesome and yummy…. I had Shepard Pie and instead of a chicken… it was turkey that was in the Shepard pie, that was good…

I also had great cooking last week and this week too… it was really good. I had fried chicken, baked chicken with green onions and with baked potatoes and eggs… I also had cooked pork and taco too., that was also good…there was also other food that I made but I will send some of the pictures next time( I forgot my camera).

Anyway, last was also really really really cold…. well that’s all got to say to that, so yea!!!! awesome!!!!!!!

Another good thing about last week was I got to go to the deaf ward again… Which was amazing!!!!! I don’t know why, but was still pretty amazing still!!!

Anyway, how’s every doing?

Are you guys still enjoying life?

Is life treating you all great?

What’s new? Did you do anything awesome?

Or did you just sit in front of the T.V. and do nothing👍

Well hope you have a great year!!!

Good luck


Elder Pastor