Last Updated on September 10, 2019 12:02 pm by Steven

Hello hello hello

Hope Y’all(you all ) had an amazing week.

Is great to hear from all of you.

Anyway, this past week has been less busy. I got to learn a lot of amazing talks, testimony, and cool experience that other Elders had felt the Lord’s hand. I was great to how they overcome some of their trials. I also got to learn more about Doctrine-and-Covenants-121.

In D&C 121 it covers about the Doctrine governing Human Relationships.

By the way I learn this topic from Fireside. The topic was cover by Elder Bruce Edwin Dale and Sister Regina Ruesch Dale.   Elder & Sister Dale talk about the Principles in 121 Should Direct How We Interact With Everyone.

In Section 121 it shows:

  • How to behave when subjected to unrighteous dominion,
  • Blessings promised to those who well endure unrighteous dominion,
  • Punishments reserved for those who misuse dominion( my favorite one),
  • How to properly exercise dominion,
  • How NOT to exercise dominion,
  • Blessings promised to obedient( also my favorite one).

These I learn of how I can learn how agency plays along the line with Section 121.

Furthermore, mobs attacking Latter-Day Saints is one of a good example of unrighteous dominion, in fact, it was the high degree of unrighteous dominion. I also learn that Vengeance is safely in the Lord’s hands. Meaning the Lord will take care of the people who do terrible things to his people.

(Also another my favorite thing I learn!) In Doctrine and Covenants 121: 11-25 it listed some of things that the Lord will do (telling you the Lord gives all wicked people to repent if not) then: Hopes blasted, Prospects melt away, Disappointments, They and posterity swept from under heaven, No right to priesthood, Severance for ordinances, Swift judgment and so forth…. the listed goes on.

In my point of view don’t practice unrighteous dominion or if not your going to have a really hard life.

I also, learn that if you trust God and endure well with all the trials then the Lord will bless you forever more. Like the Saints. The Saints had to trust God and they endure well with all the trails that came upon them. They still kept going putting trust in God and willing to endure well. The saints did not fight back, they seek legal redress, they move, rebuild lives and homes, they rebuild better, they even let go of bitterness and vengeance. They would receive the promise blessings. In Doctrine and Covenants 121: 26-29. In these verses, it shows that our Father wants to give these blessing to us but only if we are to endure our trails and trust in Him (God) then He is willing to give the blessing unto us. In D&C 121:46 it says, ” The Holy Ghost shall be thy Constant companion, and thy scepter an unchanging scepter of righteousness and truth: and thy dominion shall be an everlasting dominion, and without compulsory means it shall flow unto thee forever and ever.”

These are the blessing that our Heavenly Father wants us to have. I also want these blessings and I’m sure you all want the blessing too. I just want to say that if we do our best to endure all the trials we have and putting full trust in God then our life, then God WILL take care the rest of burden that we have and he will take it away from us and bless us even more then our trials. I know that cause I believe it. In the name of Jesus Christ Amen…….

Well, also learn that the mission is really really really awesome and fun!!!!!!!!

Also, it will not be easy too.

Overall, my past week has been great.

Moreover, how’s everyone doing so far?
Anything, new?
How’s your week been?
What did you learn from past week?
How’s life treating you?

Elder Pastor