Last Updated on January 5, 2019 1:58 pm by Steven

What if all Religions are Extreme?

In the great religious debate of who is right and who is wrong, why is there not more support and encouragement?

It’s odd, considering the fact that virtually every sect of every religion teaches something of tolerance and respect.

Isn’t it true that anyone who believes in ideas that can’t be proven with logic and fact fall into the realm of the extreme? Only people with a little bit of “crazy” would believe in the unproven.

Over 2.7 billion Christians believe in Jesus Christ. In that belief, Christians accept the Biblical record of logic-bending acts like the dead coming to life, a world-wide flood, parting seas, miraculous conception, the resurrection, and a firm hope of a Heavenly Eternal Life.

A myriad of Christian sects including Catholics, Protestants, Evangelicals, Latter Day Saints (of which, I am one), and Fundamentalists believe in a wide range of often outlandish-sounding doctrines, tenants, and ceremonies.

Nearly 2 billion Islamists believe in One God, Allah, the prophet Muhammad and the Koran. 900 million Hindus, 500 million Buddhists, and hundreds of millions more with their varied beliefs fall somewhere in between.


Interestingly, the non-religious Atheist and Agnostic “believe” there is nothing before or beyond, which also cannot be proven. Over 1 billion subscribe to this notion.

What if we debated less and respected more?

In one form or another, all humanity believes in something extreme, something that one cannot prove.

To believe resolutely in something that cannot be proven is Faith. Clearly, the answers to life’s most provoking questions are not easily found and so all of humanity clings to some form of faith and hope.

This all, by some Divine Design.

It seems that humanity holds so much more in common than we stop to consider. We all, together, seek truth and it is a challenging pursuit.

What if we debated less and respected more?

-Jeff Chavez

-Reposted with Permission

NOTE: I met Jeff Chavez in August 1990 in the Missionary Training Center in Provo Utah.  We both served in the Washington Spokane Mission of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints.